
Kayak Rudders

  • Tittan X 12.5 Foot Steering kit

    Foot Steering kit for rear trolley motor Kit Includes Sealect Designs Footbrace w/ Rudder Control  Spectra Line Tubing ports Mounting Hardware This kit is used to allow the angler to control the turning of a stern mounted motor...
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    The rudder kit for the SS Series of Bonafide Kayaks (SS107 and SS127) features the new YakAttack SwingBlade Rudder and includes every component and part needed for adding a rudder to your Bonafide Kayak.Designed to be quiet and ergonomic, this rudder kit...
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  • T Turbo Fins

    Hobie Mirage Turbo Fin Kit

    T Turbo Fins ...and you thought the Hobie MirageDriveTM was the most amazing propulsion system ever seen! Now you can make your Hobie MirageDrive a SUPER PERFORMER! Hobie Mirage kayak users report as much as 10% increase in speed and more using ST...
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    This kit features a larger rudder blade to help maneuver the Tarpon 135T tandem kayak, and includes footbraces, large rudder assembly, cables, tubes, and hardware. The Wilderness Systems Rudder Kit helps you gain control and efficiency in wind or fast...
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  • Wilderness Systems Rudder Kit

    XL Rudder Kit – Solo Kayaks wilderness

    The Wilderness Systems Rudder Kit helps you gain control and efficiency in wind or fast current. The rudder blade has a foil-shape for more efficiency and less drag in the water. The Wilderness Systems Rudder Kit is the factory rudder for Wilderness...
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  • FeelFree Smart Track Rudder with Toe Control

    Smart Tack Rudder with Toe Control

    On those windy days, or in those rough waters, yu want more control over your tracking and movement. Using the FeelFree Smart Tack Rudder with Toe Control, you can not only control your tracking, but increase your paddling efficiency making your day...
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  • Old Town Predator 13 Rudder Kit

    Old Town Predator Rudder Kit

    The Predator Rudder Kit will fit the Predator 13 Kayak. Stop making those constant correction with you paddle or hands to stay in your bet fishing hole. This specially made rudder kit from Old Town will install quickly and fit properly. Make your day of...
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  • Mirage Drive Fins blue

    Hobie ST Fins Blue

    ST Fin by Hobie are a great perfromance  upgrades. By using these fins on the Mirage Drive you will increase the surface area leading to faster speeds and more efficiency. The Mirage ST Fin is smaller than the Turbo Fins but larger than the Standard...
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  • Hobie Sailing Rudder Blade

    Hobie Large Rudder Blade

    Hobie Large Rudder Blade Larger than the stock rudder More surface area means more water displaced, means harder faster turns! Twist-n-Stow style rudder, simply replaces the current piece.
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  • Hobie Turbo Fin Kit 180 Drive

    Hobie Mirage Turbo Fin Kit 180

      Want to go really fast? Add TURBOs to your MirageDrive 180. With the MirageDrive 180 Turbo Fin Kit, get to speeds you haven't experienced before. The Square Tip fin is designed for efficiency so fewer pedals are required per mile. Sailing...
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